Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Harpaz, Yossi. 2022. "One foot on shore: An analysis of global millionaires' demand for U.S. investor visas". British Journal of Sociology, 73(3): 554-570.
Harpaz, Yossi and Ikhlas Nassar. 2022. “Crossing Borders, Choosing Identity: Strategic Self-Presentation among Palestinian-Israelis Travelling Abroad”. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45(12): 2340-2361.
Harpaz, Yossi. 2021. “Conspicuous Mobility: The Status Dimensions of the Global Passport Hierarchy”. Annals of the American Academy for Political and Social Science, 697(1): 32-48.
Harpaz, Yossi. 2019. “Compensatory Citizenship: Dual Nationality as a Strategy of Global Upward Mobility”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(6): 897-916.
Harpaz, Yossi and Pablo Mateos. 2019. “Introduction: Strategic Citizenship: Negotiating Membership in the Age of Dual Nationality”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(6): 843-857.
Harpaz, Yossi. 2015. “Ancestry into Opportunity: How Global Inequality Drives Demand for Non-Resident European Union Citizenship”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 31, Issue 13, pp. 2081-2104.
Harpaz, Yossi. 2013. “Rooted Cosmopolitans: Israelis with a European Passport – History, Property, Identity”. International Migration Review, Vol. 47 No. 1 (Spring 2013), pp. 166-206.
Harpaz, Yossi. 2019. Citizenship 2.0: Dual Nationality as a Global Asset. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. DOI: 10.23943/princeton/9780691194066.001.0001
Other Publications
Harpaz, Yossi. 2022. “Citizenship and Residence Rights as Vehicles of Global Inequality”. Forthcoming in Dimitry Kochenov and Kristin Surak, Eds., Investment Migration: The Law of Citizenship and Money. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Harpaz, Yossi. 2021. "Strategic Dual Citizenship: Global Dynamics of Supply and Demand" In Rainer Bauböck and Max Haller, Eds. Dual Citizenship and Naturalisation: Global, Comparative and Austrian Perspectives. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press. Open access link
Harpaz, Yossi. 2019. “North vs. South or Integrated vs. Isolated? Notes on the Global Grouping of Nationalities”. In Dimitry Kochenov and Jan Lindebloom, Eds. Quality of Nationality Index. Oxford: Hart Publishing / London: Bloomsbury.
Harpaz, Yossi and Ben Herzog. 2018. “Country Report: Israel”. Global Citizenship Observatory (GLOBALCIT), European University Institute. Open access link
Harpaz, Yossi. 2015. “Conclusión: La Doble Nacionalidad como Herramienta Geopolítica, Régimen de Movilidad y Forma de Capital”, in Pablo Mateos, Ed. Ciudadanía Múltiple y Migración: Perspectivas Latinoamericanas, pp. 267-289. Mexico DF: CIDE-CIESAS. (Spanish)
פרסומים בעברית
הרפז, יוסי. 2019. ״מסחור האזרחות כמגמה גלובלית״. סוציולוגיה ישראלית, כ(1), עמ׳ 19-22.
הרפז, יוסי. 2012. "'ישראלים עם אופציה': הביקוש לדרכון אירופאי בישראל – אזרחות כפולה כירושה משפחתית וסמל סטטוס". מגמות, 3-4, 38, עמ' 626-655.